AT = Academic Thesis; BK = Book; BC = Book Chapter; CP = Conference Paper, Published in Proceedings; JR = Journal Article, Refereed;
RM = Research Monograph/Report
[BK] Curtis C. (2021) Concise Guides to Planning: Planning, Transport and Accessibility. Lund Humphries [ISBN 978-1-84822-366-0]
[BK] Curtis, C (ed), (2020) Handbook of Sustainable Transport, Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing [ISBN 78 1 78990 046 0 hardback; 9781789900477 ebook]
[JR] Curtis, C., Ellder, E., Scheurer, J. (2019) Public Transport Accessibility Tools Matter: A case study of Gothenburg, Sweden. Case Studies in Transport Policy Vol 7 (1) pp. 96-107 DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2018.12.003
[CP] Scheurer, J., McLeod, S., Curtis, C. (2019) Decision Support Tools in City Planning: Bridging the gap between numerologists and conversationalists 9 th State of Australian Cities Congress, Perth, 3-5 December 2019.
[BC] Scheurer, J., Curtis, C. (2019) How public transport infrastructure investment might improve accessibility in Australian cities, Chapter 3 in Hickman, R., Mella Lira, B., Givoni, M., Geurs, K. (Eds.) (2019) Transport, Space and Equity. Edward Elgar.
[BC] te Brommelstroet, M., Milakis, D., and Curtis, C. (2019) Mapping the real experiences with accessibility instruments: a methodological approach to improve their design, Chapter 6 in, Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on their useability for integrated land use and transport planning practices, Routledge, (eds) Silva, C., Bertolini, L. Pinto, N.
[BC] Curtis, C., and Scheurer, J. (2019) The SNAMUTS Accessibility Tool in Action: Case Study Adelaide, Australia, Chapter 10 in, Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on their useability for integrated land use and transport planning practices, Routledge, (eds) Silva, C., Bertolini, L. Pinto, N.
[CP] Scheurer, J., Elder, E., Barr, A., Curtis, C. (2018) Supply-side and demand-side planning for public transport – is there scope for fruitful integration? AESOP Conference 2018, Gothenburg, 10 -14 July 2018
[JR] Scheurer, J., Curtis, C., McLeod, S. (2017) Spatial accessibility of public transport in Australian cities: Does it relieve or entrench social and economic inequality? Journal of Transport and Land Use Vol 10 (1)
[CP] Curtis, C., Scheurer, J., McLeod, S. (2017) Map Mashups revisited: Employing discursive planning tools for Perth’s urban future. 8th State of Australian Cities Congress, Adelaide, 28 - 30 November 2017. DOI: 10.4225/50/5b303b223430b
[CP] Curtis, C., Scheurer, J., McLeod, S. (2017) Map Mashups revisited: Employing discursive planning tools for Perth’s urban future. 8th State of Australian Cities Congress, Adelaide, 28 - 30 November 2017. DOI: 10.4225/50/5b303b223430b
(BK) Curtis, Carey and Jan Scheurer. 2016. Planning for Public Transport Accessibility - An International Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge.
[BC] Curtis C and Scheurer J (2016) Does Perth's Growing Wealth Lead to Growing Public Transit Accessibility? Chapter 21 in S. Biermann, D. Olaru and V. Paül. (Eds) (2016). Planning Boomtown and Beyond. Perth, WA: UWA Publishing (ISBN: 978-1-74258-908-4)
[JR] Curtis C, Scheurer J (2015) Performance Measures for Public Transport Accessibility: Learning from International Practice. Journal for Transport and Land Use, Vol 10, No 1, pp 1-26
[CP] Scheurer J, Curtis C (2015) The Impacts of Political Changes on Public Transport Accessibility in Melbourne, 2008-2014. 7th State of Australian Cities Conference, Gold Coast (QLD), December 2015
[CP] Scheurer J, Townsend C, Curtis C (2015) Vancouver, the Transit-Oriented City? The Correspondence (or not) of Public Transit Supply, Accessibility and Urban Intensification through the Lens of Accessibility Tools. 29th AESOP Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
[BC] Stone J, Scheurer J (2014) Building Confidence in the Future of Melbourne’s Public Transport Systems. Chapter 4.1 in Whitzman C, Gleeson B, Sheko A (2014, Eds) Melbourne: What Next? Research Monograph No 1, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne
[CP] Scheurer J, Curtis C, Bell K (2014) Public Transport Network Design, Urban Geography and Accessibility Outcomes: Understanding the Patterns. 28th AESOP Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2014
[JR] Curtis C, Scheurer J, Burke M (2013) Using New Accessibility Tools to Guide Policy Innovation. Built Environment, Vol 39, No 4, pp 454-472
[CP] Bell K, Scheurer J (2013) Improving Accessibility in Growing Australian Cities. 6th State of Australian Cities Conference, Sydney (NSW), November 2013
[CP] Scheurer J (2013) Measuring Copenhagen’s Public Transport Accessibility and Network Performance in a European Context. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark, August 2013
(CP) Scheurer J and Curtis C (2013) Public transport accessibility in European and North American cities - a shared pursuit of best practice?AESOP/ACPS Conference, Dublin, July 2013
(BC) Curtis C (2013) Integrating Land Use with Public Transport: The Use of a Discursive Accessibility Tool to Inform Metropolitan Spatial Planning in Perth, Chapter in Transport Models in Urban Planning Practices:Tensions and Opportunities in a Changing Planning Context, Routledge, Eds te Brommelstroet, M and Bertolini L.
(BC) Burke, M., Curtis, C., & Stone, J (2013) New analysis for a new synthesis, Chapter 9 in Transforming Urban Transport: The ethics, politics and practices of sustainable mobility, Earthscan - Routledge: Abingdon ed. Low N.
(BK) Curtis, Carey and Nicholas Low. 2012 Institutional Barriers to Sustainable Transport. Surrey. Ashgate.
(CP) Scheurer and Curtis (2012) How to benchmark public transport accessibility in European cities. Paper presented to the AESOP Conference July 2012
(CP) Curtis C and Scheurer J (2012) Benchmarking public transport accessibility in Australasian cities, 35th Australasian Transport Research Forum 2012, Perth, 26-28 September 2012.
(JR) Curtis C (2011) Integrating land use with public transport: The use of a discursive accessibility tool to inform metropolitan spatial planning in PerthTransport Reviews Vol. 31 Issue 2, pp. 179-197.
(JR) Curtis C and Scheurer J (2010) Planning for Sustainable Accessibility: Developing tools to aid discussion and decision-making. Progress in Planning Vol 74 (2010), pp.53-106
(CP) Scheurer J (2010) Benchmarking Accessibility and Public Transport Network Performance in Copenhagen and Perth. 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Canberra (ACT), September 2010
(JR) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2010) Planning for Sustainable Accessibility: Developing Tools to Aid Discussion and Decision Making. Progress in Planning, Vol 74, No 2
(CP) Scheurer J, Silva C (2010) Refining Accessibility Tools: SAL and SNAMUTS for Porto. 24th AESOP Congress, Helsinki, Finland, July 2010
(BC) Scheurer J, Newman P, Kenworthy J (2009) A Moving Target. In Fast Thinking: Melbourne Global Smart City. ETN-COM, Sydney (NSW), pp 128-135
(CP) Scheurer J (2009) Public Transport and Land Use Integration in Melbourne and Hamburg: Can Comparative Network Performance Provide a Sense of Future Direction? 4th State of Australian Cities Conference, Perth (WA), November 2009
(CP) Scheurer J, Horan E, Bajwa S (2009) Benchmarking Public Transport and Land Use Integration in Melbourne and Hamburg: Hints for Policy Makers. 23rd AESOP Congress, Liverpool, UK, July 2009
(RM) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2009) Network City Activity Centres. Developing an Analysis, Conception and Communication Tool for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning in the Perth Metropolitan Area. Research Monograph, Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) and Curtin University of Technology, Perth (WA), available online at
(CP) Scheurer J (2008) Discursive Modelling for Land Use-Transport Integration: An Explorative Case Study from Perth, Western Australia. ACSP/AESOP Congress, Chicago (IL), USA, July 2008
(RM) Scheurer J, Curtis C (2008) Spatial Network Analysis of Multimodal Transport Systems: Developing a Strategic Planning Tool to Assess the Congruence of Movement and Urban Structure. Research Monograph, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP) and Australian Centre for Governance and Management of Urban Transport (GAMUT), Perth (WA)/Melbourne (VIC), June 2008, available online at
(CP) Scheurer J, Curtis C, Porta S (2007) Spatial Network Analysis of Public Transport Systems: Developing a Strategic Planning Tool to Assess the Congruence of Movement and Urban Structure in Australian Cities. 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Melbourne, September 2007
(CP) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2007) Multiple Accessibility: Developing a Tool for Evaluating Transport-Land Use Integration. 21st AESOP Congress, Napoli, Italy, July 2007
(RM) Scheurer J, Bergmaier R, McPherson J (2006) Keeping People Moving in Melbourne’s North-East. A report for the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF), October 2006
(CP) Scheurer J, Porta S (2006) Centrality and Connectivity in Public Transport Networks and their Significance for Transport Sustainability in Cities. World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico (DF), July 2006
RM = Research Monograph/Report
[BK] Curtis C. (2021) Concise Guides to Planning: Planning, Transport and Accessibility. Lund Humphries [ISBN 978-1-84822-366-0]
[BK] Curtis, C (ed), (2020) Handbook of Sustainable Transport, Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing [ISBN 78 1 78990 046 0 hardback; 9781789900477 ebook]
[JR] Curtis, C., Ellder, E., Scheurer, J. (2019) Public Transport Accessibility Tools Matter: A case study of Gothenburg, Sweden. Case Studies in Transport Policy Vol 7 (1) pp. 96-107 DOI: 10.1016/j.cstp.2018.12.003
[CP] Scheurer, J., McLeod, S., Curtis, C. (2019) Decision Support Tools in City Planning: Bridging the gap between numerologists and conversationalists 9 th State of Australian Cities Congress, Perth, 3-5 December 2019.
[BC] Scheurer, J., Curtis, C. (2019) How public transport infrastructure investment might improve accessibility in Australian cities, Chapter 3 in Hickman, R., Mella Lira, B., Givoni, M., Geurs, K. (Eds.) (2019) Transport, Space and Equity. Edward Elgar.
[BC] te Brommelstroet, M., Milakis, D., and Curtis, C. (2019) Mapping the real experiences with accessibility instruments: a methodological approach to improve their design, Chapter 6 in, Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on their useability for integrated land use and transport planning practices, Routledge, (eds) Silva, C., Bertolini, L. Pinto, N.
[BC] Curtis, C., and Scheurer, J. (2019) The SNAMUTS Accessibility Tool in Action: Case Study Adelaide, Australia, Chapter 10 in, Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on their useability for integrated land use and transport planning practices, Routledge, (eds) Silva, C., Bertolini, L. Pinto, N.
[CP] Scheurer, J., Elder, E., Barr, A., Curtis, C. (2018) Supply-side and demand-side planning for public transport – is there scope for fruitful integration? AESOP Conference 2018, Gothenburg, 10 -14 July 2018
[JR] Scheurer, J., Curtis, C., McLeod, S. (2017) Spatial accessibility of public transport in Australian cities: Does it relieve or entrench social and economic inequality? Journal of Transport and Land Use Vol 10 (1)
[CP] Curtis, C., Scheurer, J., McLeod, S. (2017) Map Mashups revisited: Employing discursive planning tools for Perth’s urban future. 8th State of Australian Cities Congress, Adelaide, 28 - 30 November 2017. DOI: 10.4225/50/5b303b223430b
[CP] Curtis, C., Scheurer, J., McLeod, S. (2017) Map Mashups revisited: Employing discursive planning tools for Perth’s urban future. 8th State of Australian Cities Congress, Adelaide, 28 - 30 November 2017. DOI: 10.4225/50/5b303b223430b
(BK) Curtis, Carey and Jan Scheurer. 2016. Planning for Public Transport Accessibility - An International Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge.
[BC] Curtis C and Scheurer J (2016) Does Perth's Growing Wealth Lead to Growing Public Transit Accessibility? Chapter 21 in S. Biermann, D. Olaru and V. Paül. (Eds) (2016). Planning Boomtown and Beyond. Perth, WA: UWA Publishing (ISBN: 978-1-74258-908-4)
[JR] Curtis C, Scheurer J (2015) Performance Measures for Public Transport Accessibility: Learning from International Practice. Journal for Transport and Land Use, Vol 10, No 1, pp 1-26
[CP] Scheurer J, Curtis C (2015) The Impacts of Political Changes on Public Transport Accessibility in Melbourne, 2008-2014. 7th State of Australian Cities Conference, Gold Coast (QLD), December 2015
[CP] Scheurer J, Townsend C, Curtis C (2015) Vancouver, the Transit-Oriented City? The Correspondence (or not) of Public Transit Supply, Accessibility and Urban Intensification through the Lens of Accessibility Tools. 29th AESOP Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
[BC] Stone J, Scheurer J (2014) Building Confidence in the Future of Melbourne’s Public Transport Systems. Chapter 4.1 in Whitzman C, Gleeson B, Sheko A (2014, Eds) Melbourne: What Next? Research Monograph No 1, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne
[CP] Scheurer J, Curtis C, Bell K (2014) Public Transport Network Design, Urban Geography and Accessibility Outcomes: Understanding the Patterns. 28th AESOP Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2014
[JR] Curtis C, Scheurer J, Burke M (2013) Using New Accessibility Tools to Guide Policy Innovation. Built Environment, Vol 39, No 4, pp 454-472
[CP] Bell K, Scheurer J (2013) Improving Accessibility in Growing Australian Cities. 6th State of Australian Cities Conference, Sydney (NSW), November 2013
[CP] Scheurer J (2013) Measuring Copenhagen’s Public Transport Accessibility and Network Performance in a European Context. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark, August 2013
(CP) Scheurer J and Curtis C (2013) Public transport accessibility in European and North American cities - a shared pursuit of best practice?AESOP/ACPS Conference, Dublin, July 2013
(BC) Curtis C (2013) Integrating Land Use with Public Transport: The Use of a Discursive Accessibility Tool to Inform Metropolitan Spatial Planning in Perth, Chapter in Transport Models in Urban Planning Practices:Tensions and Opportunities in a Changing Planning Context, Routledge, Eds te Brommelstroet, M and Bertolini L.
(BC) Burke, M., Curtis, C., & Stone, J (2013) New analysis for a new synthesis, Chapter 9 in Transforming Urban Transport: The ethics, politics and practices of sustainable mobility, Earthscan - Routledge: Abingdon ed. Low N.
(BK) Curtis, Carey and Nicholas Low. 2012 Institutional Barriers to Sustainable Transport. Surrey. Ashgate.
(CP) Scheurer and Curtis (2012) How to benchmark public transport accessibility in European cities. Paper presented to the AESOP Conference July 2012
(CP) Curtis C and Scheurer J (2012) Benchmarking public transport accessibility in Australasian cities, 35th Australasian Transport Research Forum 2012, Perth, 26-28 September 2012.
(JR) Curtis C (2011) Integrating land use with public transport: The use of a discursive accessibility tool to inform metropolitan spatial planning in PerthTransport Reviews Vol. 31 Issue 2, pp. 179-197.
(JR) Curtis C and Scheurer J (2010) Planning for Sustainable Accessibility: Developing tools to aid discussion and decision-making. Progress in Planning Vol 74 (2010), pp.53-106
(CP) Scheurer J (2010) Benchmarking Accessibility and Public Transport Network Performance in Copenhagen and Perth. 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Canberra (ACT), September 2010
(JR) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2010) Planning for Sustainable Accessibility: Developing Tools to Aid Discussion and Decision Making. Progress in Planning, Vol 74, No 2
(CP) Scheurer J, Silva C (2010) Refining Accessibility Tools: SAL and SNAMUTS for Porto. 24th AESOP Congress, Helsinki, Finland, July 2010
(BC) Scheurer J, Newman P, Kenworthy J (2009) A Moving Target. In Fast Thinking: Melbourne Global Smart City. ETN-COM, Sydney (NSW), pp 128-135
(CP) Scheurer J (2009) Public Transport and Land Use Integration in Melbourne and Hamburg: Can Comparative Network Performance Provide a Sense of Future Direction? 4th State of Australian Cities Conference, Perth (WA), November 2009
(CP) Scheurer J, Horan E, Bajwa S (2009) Benchmarking Public Transport and Land Use Integration in Melbourne and Hamburg: Hints for Policy Makers. 23rd AESOP Congress, Liverpool, UK, July 2009
(RM) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2009) Network City Activity Centres. Developing an Analysis, Conception and Communication Tool for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning in the Perth Metropolitan Area. Research Monograph, Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) and Curtin University of Technology, Perth (WA), available online at
(CP) Scheurer J (2008) Discursive Modelling for Land Use-Transport Integration: An Explorative Case Study from Perth, Western Australia. ACSP/AESOP Congress, Chicago (IL), USA, July 2008
(RM) Scheurer J, Curtis C (2008) Spatial Network Analysis of Multimodal Transport Systems: Developing a Strategic Planning Tool to Assess the Congruence of Movement and Urban Structure. Research Monograph, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP) and Australian Centre for Governance and Management of Urban Transport (GAMUT), Perth (WA)/Melbourne (VIC), June 2008, available online at
(CP) Scheurer J, Curtis C, Porta S (2007) Spatial Network Analysis of Public Transport Systems: Developing a Strategic Planning Tool to Assess the Congruence of Movement and Urban Structure in Australian Cities. 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Melbourne, September 2007
(CP) Curtis C, Scheurer J (2007) Multiple Accessibility: Developing a Tool for Evaluating Transport-Land Use Integration. 21st AESOP Congress, Napoli, Italy, July 2007
(RM) Scheurer J, Bergmaier R, McPherson J (2006) Keeping People Moving in Melbourne’s North-East. A report for the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF), October 2006
(CP) Scheurer J, Porta S (2006) Centrality and Connectivity in Public Transport Networks and their Significance for Transport Sustainability in Cities. World Planning Schools Congress, Mexico (DF), July 2006