This index illustrates who receives walkable access to public transport and who does not. Walkable catchments around all rail stations and ferry jetties (800 metre radius) and linear bus and tram corridors (400 metres) are superimposed on a land use map, and the number of residents and jobs contained within are counted. The proportion of this figure of the metropolitan total provides the network coverage result. It can be read as a proxy for the inclination of decision makers to supply public transport services of a certain standard to as large a pool of potential users as reasonably possible.
Network coverage
Qn = Network coverage index
N = Number of activity nodes in the network
tij = Minimum travel time between nodes i and j
actj = Number of residents and jobs in the catchment area of node j
actm = Number of residents and jobs in the metropolitan area
Network coverage
Qn = Network coverage index
N = Number of activity nodes in the network
tij = Minimum travel time between nodes i and j
actj = Number of residents and jobs in the catchment area of node j
actm = Number of residents and jobs in the metropolitan area