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If your organisation seeks the provision of comprehensive public transport accessibility modelling with highly visualised outputs, click here to make contact with the team and discuss your options.
Applications of SNAMUTS in practiceAURIN
The Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) is an initiative of the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. It includes a one-stop online portal with more than 2,600 multi-disciplinary datasets, from over 90 different data sources (the AURIN Portal). The data portal includes SNAMUTS public transport accessibility indicators at the SA1 Census level for 2016 for the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide. Vancouver: Mobility Pricing Independent Commission - October 2017
A project designed to provide recommendations on how to reduce congestion and improve the way transportation is priced in Metro Vancouver drew on SNAMUTS Vancouver composite index to demonstrate the variation in transit accessibility. NSW Geography Stage 4 Textbook - 2017
SNAMUTS map used to enable students to explore transport connections and qualities of place - see |
Department of Transport WA - May 2018
The Department of Transport is investigating an Inner City Light Rail Plan in order to establish a long term plan for a light rail system serving the inner suburbs. The SNAMUTS team were engaged to provide an evidence-based understanding of the accessibility provided by the public transport network in the study area and identify the opportunities for high-capacity transport corridors that improve land use - transport integration. Greening Suburban Travel (University of Melbourne) - October 2017 SNAMUTS modelling for scenarios to test the relative importance of parameters covering employment location, quality of public transport service supply, and residential density in achieving high levels of accessibility by public transport in middle and outer suburbs in E and SE regions of Melbourne. Committee for Perth - July 2016 An investigation of the performance of Perth’s public transport system from a spatial accessibility perspective to provide input into the Committee for Perth’s Get a Move On! project. The objective is to provide a benchmark on the performance of Perth’s public transport system by employing a research evidence-based understanding of the accessibility provided by the existing public transport network in Perth and also relative to other Australasian cities. Discussion paper here. City of Perth, Western Australia – July 2015 The City of Perth has prepared a draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS), which will establish the City's long term transport goals and provide a strategic, informed platform for future decision making. In developing this long term strategy, the City set out to develop an evidence-based understanding of the accessibility provided by the public transport network in Perth and engaged the SNAMUTS to undertake an public transport accessibility study. Accessibility was measured at 2015 and for three scenarios: 2031 no action; 2031 public transport committed projects; 2050 accessibility optimisation. A copy of the report can be found here. City of Port Phillip, Melbourne, Victoria - September 2015 This project explores the implications of a range of proposed tram service and infrastructure improvements on the public transport network performance and land use-transport integration within the City of Port Phillip. These improvements are currently under consideration by local and state government agencies. Their appraisal in this report is intended to assist the City of Port Phillip in effective advocacy and Public Transport Victoria in prioritising actions. The current level of public transport accessibility in metropolitan Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip has been examined, based on the existing network and services (correct at February 2015). The ‘Status Quo’ or baseline case is also based on the mix of land uses derived from the 2011 census. City of Gotebörg, Sweden – October 2014 The purpose of this project was to test the application of the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) interactive accessibility tool to assist in examining the performance of the current and future public transport network and land use structure in Göteborg. This research was conducted as part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project (DP110104884) and the COST TU1002 project – Accessibility Instruments in Planning Practice. One of the primary objectives of this ARC research is to develop the interactive decision tool (SNAMUTS) in order to assist in examining current and future scenarios for land use and public transport framed around the accessibility of the transport network and the accessibility of place. A second objective is to expand the relevance of SNAMUTS in planning practice and decision support by testing the tool in practice situations. The Göteborg project served these purposes. Adelaide, South Australia - May 2013 The research team conducted a two day workshop in Adelaide as part of the EU COST Action TU1002 . The objective of the workshop was twofold:
SNAMUTS Randstad The purpose of this research was to apply the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) interactive decision tool to assist in examining the performance of the Randstad region current public transport network framed around the accessibility of the transport network and accessibility of place and the implications for accessibility resulting from two scenarios proposed for the Public Transport Bureau of the Randstad. Greater Metropolitan Perth, Western Australia – December 2009 The purpose of this research was to apply the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) interactive decision tool to assist in examining the performance of the Greater Perth Metropolitan region’s current public transport network framed around the accessibility of the transport network and accessibility of place and the implications for accessibility resulting future development scenarios to 2029. Greater Metropolitan Perth – Network City Activity Centres, Western Australia – April 2008 The primary objective of the research project was to develop an interactive decision tool (SNAMUTS) to assist in examining scenarios for the future growth of the Perth metropolitan area in activity centres framed around the accessibility of the transport network and the accessibility of place. The SNAMUTS tool enabled the quantification of the effect of transport infrastructure improvements and modifications, and of land use intensification, on the accessibility of activity centres and corridors by different modes of transport. The SNAMUTS tool provides an in-depth examination of the potential accessibility by public transport to all centres across the metropolitan area. |