Closeness centrality describes the ease of movement along the public transport network, in terms of speed and service frequency. It is a metric network indicator, measuring the minimum cumulative impediment value between each pair of activity nodes in each direction. It makes use of a GIS wayfinding tool which, out of all possible paths between the two nodes, automatically determines the path with lowest impediment while allowing up to three transfers. Closeness centrality is shown as an average across the network and as an average for each activity node. Lower values indicate greater centrality.
Closeness centrality
Ci = Closeness centrality of node i
Lmin,ij = Minimum cumulative impediment between nodes i and j
N = Number of activity nodes in the network
Closeness centrality
Ci = Closeness centrality of node i
Lmin,ij = Minimum cumulative impediment between nodes i and j
N = Number of activity nodes in the network

Travel impediment
dij = Impediment value of route segment between nodes i and j
tij = Travel time between nodes i and j in minutes
fij = Service frequency in departures per hour per direction between nodes i and j
dij = Impediment value of route segment between nodes i and j
tij = Travel time between nodes i and j in minutes
fij = Service frequency in departures per hour per direction between nodes i and j